The Elders’ Meeting consists of the minister and the elders elected by the Church Meeting. The elders share the responsibility, with the minister, for the oversight of the spiritual life of the church.
The functions of the elders include:
- to encourage concern for witness and service to the community
- to encourage concern for evangelism at home and abroad
- to encourage concern for Christian education
- to develop local relationships with other churches
- to share in providing for the pastoral care of the congregation
- to keep an accurate list of members
- to be responsible for the oversight of work among children and young people
- to consider the suitability of any applicant who wishes to become an ordained minister within the United Reformed Church
- to recommend to the Church Meeting arrangements for the proper maintenance of buildings and the oversight of all financial responsibilities of the church
At Park United Reformed Church, elders are elected to serve for three years, after which they may be elected to serve for another three years. After six years of service elders must take a ‘year out’ for spiritual refreshment. The church meeting has the responsibility to determine the nomination and election process for the appointment of elders.
If you would like to know more about becoming a member of Park United Reformed Church please contact the Minister If you would like to know more about the United Reformed Church please visit