How Age UK is helping improve lives of people in later life:
- Last year, Age UK helped 5 million people, through our information, advice and charitable services.
- Our HandyPerson service made 15,414 home visits, helping older people feel safer and more comfortable in their homes, by installing security equipment, changing locks and fitting smoke alarms.
- We trained 135,000 people to use technologies such as the internet, Skype, mobile phones and digital cameras.
- 60,000 people participated in our Falls Awareness Week to reduce their risk of falling.
- We call people to make sure they’re OK. This is especially important when they’re just out of hospital, or following a bereavement.
How our campaigning is improving later life
Age UK’s campaigning has brought about significant improvements for people in later life:
- Age UK worked closely with older people, partners and forums to ratchet up pressure on the banks to continue to offer cheques. On the 12 July 2011 the Payments Council announced that cheques will stay for as long as customers need them. This is great for the three quarters of people over 65 who use them.
- Our More money in your pocket campaign helped older people claim over £100 million in benefits that would otherwise not have been claimed.
- Over 80% of all NHS trusts in England have contacted Age UK to find out more about our Hungry to be heard campaign to end the malnourishment of older people in hospital; of these, 55% have made changes to ensure people get the food and help they need at hospital mealtimes.
- We were able to gain a cap of 18 months on the increase to State Pension Age for those most affected by the Government’s initial proposals. This means that around 240,000 men and 245,000 women will receive their state pension earlier than if the Government’s original plans had been voted through.
At Park URC we work closely with Age UK Reading and with Age UK Berkshire
– by providing rooms for various activities and programmes.
Further details of the work of Age UK can be found at